5 Style Trends Men Hate That I Refuse to Give Up: Unapologetically Bold

Fashion trends come and go, but it’s always fascinating to see the styles that stir up mixed reactions. While some designs are adored by many, their popularity doesn’t always extend to everyone. I’ve come across several trends that have sparked strong opinions, especially among men.

Despite this, I firmly believe that fashion should be an expression of personal style and confidence. It’s interesting to see items like giant handbags or bold lipsticks causing a stir, yet I find joy in embracing what makes me feel good, regardless of popular opinion.

We all have our unique preferences when it comes to fashion and beauty, and I’m no exception. While some may raise eyebrows or offer unsolicited advice, there are several trends and styles that I hold dear. Here are the ones I’m most passionate about, despite the mixed reactions they often receive:

Short Hair

For years, I sported a short, boyish pixie cut. My hair now grazes my shoulders, but the pixie cut was a staple for a long time. The first time I chopped off my locks, my then-boyfriend threatened to break up with me. The second time, a different boyfriend liked it but couldn’t stop mentioning how much he missed my longer hair. Thankfully, the third time, my boyfriend actually loved it.

Despite varying opinions, the message seemed clear: short hair isn’t considered as “feminine” and thus, less attractive. While everyone is entitled to their own tastes, I won’t let anyone dictate how I style my hair. I didn’t complain during the “Summer of the Goatee,” so I’m owed the same courtesy. You’ll have to wrestle the scissors from me before I grow my hair just to please someone else.

Giant Handbags

Yes, I know it seems impractical to haul around a bag that could probably double as a carry-on for a weekend trip. A change of shoes, a hefty book, a phone charger, water, my laptop, and makeup are my daily essentials. It might appear excessive, but it’s amazing how often someone is grateful when I magically produce a Tums or a Tide To Go stick from my bag.

Fine, if you catch me hoarding sugar packets and dinner rolls, feel free to stage an intervention. Until then, my giant handbag is here to stay.

“Done” Makeup

There’s something undeniably empowering about putting on a smoky eye or bold red lips. Statistics show that 68 percent of men dislike heavy makeup, and honestly, I understand where they’re coming from. Still, I suspect that if makeup were marketed to men, they’d be experimenting with it too. In fact, 10 percent of men have admitted to trying their partner’s makeup products, including concealer and mascara.

Whether it’s channeling my inner Marilyn Monroe or Manson (yes, the contrast is intentional), sometimes we just need that dramatic flair. After all, a little “done-up” makeup can be an artistic expression of self.


Rompers have faced their fair share of criticism. Originally inspired by playground attire, they can complicate bathroom visits and may be seen as an “I give up” outfit. I was hesitant at first, but once I tried one, I was sold. Rompers are incredibly comfortable and versatile. Whether they’re solid-print, floral, or even terry-cloth, each one has its charm.

They’re not meant for formal events like meeting the in-laws or replacing my favorite little black dress. They shine best during casual outings like brunch or running errands. Trust me, there’s nothing like the convenience and comfort of a romper.

Empire-Waist Shirts

Yes, empire-waist shirts might make us look like we’re expecting. Just as I’m not a fan of baggy tees on guys, preferences in fashion can be subjective. These shirts are comfortable, especially when I’m dealing with bloating or PMS. Can’t we just call it even and let each other be?

Surprise: Men Primp As Much As Women Do

It turns out, men do take care of themselves as much as we do. A surprising number of men admit to using their partner’s beauty products. This revelation should allow us to embrace our beauty routines without feeling judged.

5 Steps To The Sexy Hairstyle Men Love Most

Beyond our personal preferences, it’s interesting to know that men often appreciate a well-done hairstyle just as much as we value our beauty choices. It’s all about finding what makes you feel confident and beautiful.

In the end, fashion and beauty are all about personal expression and comfort. While preferences may differ, sticking to what makes you feel best is always the right choice.

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