VMware vCloud Hybrid Service- Disaster Recovery [ A Public Cloud DRaaS ]

  •  Real time disaster recovery is typically thought of as a Premium service that only larger businesses can afford. But VMware’s newest offering, vCloud Hybrid Service Disaster Recovery (vCHS-DR) will help small companies to avail the robust  disaster recovery features of VMware’s solution in a cost effective ways.
  • vCHS-DR allows customers running VMware vSphere to make live replicas of their running servers to one of VMware’s public vCloud Hybrid Service data centers.
  • When a local instance fails, the cloud instance starts with no involvement of the IT admin. Recovery points could be as little as 15 minutes or as long as 24 hours.
  • Pricing starts at $835 per month, includes 10GHz vCPU and 20GB of vRAM with 1TB of storage (in a multi-tenant configuration), with add-on services.
  • If the data is large to replicate, new subscribers can mail VMware one or more hard drives with up to 11TB of data — and allow automatic synchronization after that.
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