50 Short Flirty Love Poems: Captivating Verses for Romance

Romancing someone doesn’t always require grand gestures. Often, it’s the small, heartfelt expressions that make the biggest impact. One timeless way to show affection is by sharing short love poems with that special person in your life. These verses can convey deep emotions and tender thoughts, encapsulating feelings that sometimes are hard to verbalize on our own.

A heart-shaped box filled with handwritten love poems, surrounded by blooming flowers and fluttering butterflies

Whether you’re dating an English major who appreciates the nuances of language or someone who enjoys beautifully crafted words, these charming poems can work wonders. Even if writing isn’t your forte, finding and sharing a meaningful poem can still earn you points for thoughtfulness. Injecting a bit of poetry into your routine can add a touch of magic and deepen the bond with your loved one.

50 Short Love Poems For Her

A cozy cafe with dim lighting, two steaming cups of coffee on a table, and a handwritten love poem peeking out from a book

1. You Are Someone Special

You are someone special

Who makes eternity


Too brief.

— a.l

2. Daisy Seeds for You

I’ll plant a line of daisy seeds,

Underneath each eye,

So they’ll remind you of your beauty,

Every time they bloom as you cry.

— Erin Hanson

3. My Love is Untouched by Skin

I will love you,

Not beginning with

Your skin or

Your organs or

Your bones:

My love will always start,

With your bare soul.

— Christopher Poindexter

4. If We Ever Disappear

If we ever vanish

And turn to mere dust,

I hope the breeze

Takes us to the place you cherish most.

— R.M. Broderick Poetry

5. Her Beauty Was More Than She Knew

She possessed the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen,

But it took just her laughter to see

That beauty was just the beginning of her.

— Atticus

6. Roses and Kisses

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,


I want to kiss you.

— Unknown

7. Coffee vs. Your Kiss

Coffee is


And pleasant

But I would


Have your


Wake me

Every morning.

— kpk

8. Watching You


Watching you for

A single


Reveals to me

Thousands of things

To love

About you.

— (cm)

9. True Courage

You love with everything

You have…

Not everyone has

This kind of brave heart.

— N.R. Hart

10. Unique Love

Nowhere else in the world

Is there a heart for me like yours.

Nowhere else in the world

Is there a love for you like mine.

— Maya Angelou

11. Forgetting Knees

To tell you honestly,

You don’t just make me

Weak at the knees,

You make my entire body

Forget it has knees

At all.

— Tyler Knott Gregson

12. Always With Me

You are always

Present within me

And I dream of you

More often

Than I don’t.

— Unknown

13. Busy Without You

I keep myself occupied

With everyday tasks,

But each time I pause,

My thoughts still return to you.

— Unknown

14. Jealous of the Morning Sun

I’m jealous of the morning sun,

That gets to see you first

Or the coffee cup

That kisses your sleepy lips awake.

— Unknown

15. My Only Ask

All I can

Ever ask of



To stay.

Just stay.

— Unknown

17. What You Deserve

You deserve to be

Seen as

Too valuable to lose.

— Faraway

18. Talk With Me

Come lay with me.

Let’s talk about nothing with someone that means everything.

— Unknown

19. Simply Need You

I simply need



A few sunsets.

— Unknown

20. Loving Like the Moon

And if you are to love,

Love as the moon loves;

It doesn’t steal the night —

It just reveals the beauty

Within the dark.

— Isra Al-thibeh

21. Heartbeat Confessions

When I see you again,

I’ll stand closer,

So you can hear my heartbeat,

And finally understand,

What words could never express.

— Entela Gjetja

22. From “One Hundred Years of Solitude”

It’s enough for me to know that

You and I exist at this moment.

— Gabriel García Márquez

23. Love Encapsulates Life

Love is before life,

Beyond death,

The beginning of creation, and

The essence of breath.

— Emily Dickinson

24. First Love Story

When I first heard

A love story,

I began searching for you, unaware

Of how blind that was.

For lovers don’t truly meet,

They’ve been within each other all along.

— Rumi

25. Love is a Place

Love is a place,

And through this place of

Love move

(with brightness of peace)

All places.

Yes is a world,

And in this world of

Yes live

(deftly coiled)

All worlds.

— e.e. cummings

26. Loving in Unseen Ways

I love you,

In ways

You’ve never been


For reasons you’ve never been


Longer than you think you


And with more

Than you’ll ever know existed

Within me.

— Tyler Knott Gregson

27. Giving Love Away

Love that is hoarded rots at last

Until we realize someday

The only thing we truly have

Is what we give away.

— Louis Ginsberg

28. Time Passes

Your skin like dawn,

Mine like musk,

One paints the start of

A certain end.

The other, the end of a

Sure beginning.

— Maya Angelou

29. Close, No Matter the Distance

Lying next to you

Or three hundred miles away,

I am yours

Just the same.

— Aurora Raine

30. Adventuring with You

I want to

Travel the world

With you.

Make love

In new cities.

I want to be new

With you.

— Christopher Poindexter

31. My New Year’s Eve

Baby, you are my

New Year’s Eve,

The start and end

Of everything.

— Jessica Katoff

32. Let Love Stay

Let love

Kiss your palm.

Keep it in

Your back pocket

Or some other

Safe place.

Let it stay.

— Alison A. Malee

33. Your Scent

Your cologne

Smelled like

The rest of

My life.

— Ben Maxfield

35. Defining Love

You might not have been my first love

But you were the love that made

All other loves seem


— Rupi Kaur

36. Overcome by Love

The sky was illuminated

By the grandeur of the moon

So powerful

I was overwhelmed

Your love

Has given me certainty

I am prepared to relinquish

This worldly life

And surrender

To the magnificence

Of your Being.

— Rumi

37. Searching for Completeness

I do not know

If I

Will ever be


But I know

Whatever I am,


Will always be

The remaining part of


— Tyler Knott Gregson

38. Staring at Her

A sky


Of stars

And he

Was staring

At her.

— Atticus

39. Need Your Love

As nectar fills the flower,

Giving sustenance to the bee,

I need you every hour,

To bestow your love upon me.

— Anonymous

40. My Life’s Love

When I think of you,

I know you think of me too.

Our life feels like a dream.

A beautiful moonbeam.

Keep me in your heart.

So we will never part.

— Jennifer Betts

41. Soul’s Reunion

If our souls

Can continue finding each other

Time and again in this lifetime,

Surely they can do so

In the beyond.

— Aurora Raine

42. To the Edge of Our Days

I will follow you,

My love,

To the edge of all our days,

To our very last


— Atticus

43. The Ways I Love You

How do I love you?

Oh, in this way and that way.

Oh, joyfully. Perhaps

I could demonstrate by

Action? Like

This, and

That way and

No more words now.

— Mary Oliver

44. Dying into Love

This is how I would die

Into the love I have for you:

Like pieces of cloud

Evaporating in sunlight.

— Rumi

45. Thanks to You

Thank you for loving me

Through rain, through growth,

Through change.

Thank you for loving me, still.

— Alison A. Malee

47. Sweet as Honeycomb

You must have a


For a heart.

How else

Could a man

Be this sweet?

— Rupi Kaur

48. Love’s Essence

The note of life is brief,

But the song is long,—

To love and be loved;

Humans and gods have not surpassed it,

And how…

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

49. You Are My Poem

You are the poem

I never knew how to write,

And this life is the story

I have always wanted to tell.

— Unknown

50. Soul’s Journey

My soul has traveled

Throughout time,

And found

Its home

In your heart.

— Anonymous

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