Facebook New Search Feature – Search is Redefined

After the long research with the Facebook graph beta for search, The developers have finally come up with a new look for search. The Facebook team has rolled out the new search feature for the desktops and mobile platforms. The search is going to be quite an easier one with an in depth search as the words from each post are used as reference and the search is made according to it.

When you are looking for a particular post and you are not aware of its name of the post, In that case, now you can search by using one word which will show up the post which you were actually looking for.

You can do searches for finding photos, Posts, Videos and lot more. The search is well categorized as it shows the top relevant search results which the user might be looking for. Facebook has improved a lot on the algorithm for search from the Graph Beta and finding out the solution to make the search more efficient and faster. The new search feature is available for the users now for the desktop and for mobile versions.

For more news about the Facebook Search Navigate to http://search.fb.com/.

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