Google announces Project Tango Tablet Development Kit for $1,024!

Google took us by storm by announcing Project Tango. The goal of Project Tango is to give mobile devices a human scale understanding of space and motion. Today they released a Tablet Development Kit for developers who can build apps that track full 3D motion and capture surfaces in the surrounding environment.

Developers can apply for the development kit on their website. Google will select the developers and they will be notified to purchase the device for $1024 from Google Play later this June. Those who are attending this year’s Google I/O will be getting the Project Tango Tablet Development Kit first.

Google says, “These development kits are designed for professional developers interested in exploring the future of mobile 3D sensing. Developers will receive updates as the software algorithms and APIs evolve. These development kits are not a consumer device and will be available in limited quantities.”

This device has the new Tegra K1 mobile processor, as Google closely collaborated with Nvidia. And It has 4 GB of RAM, 128 GB of storage, a motion tracking camera, integrated depth sensing, WiFi, and BTLE.

For your information, Project Tango is sending the devices into orbit 230 miles above the surface of the earth to map the international Space Station.

Take a peek at Google’s Project Tango test for flight in zero gravity with NASA.

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